Safety is our top priority
All Sidekicks have a verified military association and have completed a background check
Recurring background checks
Recurring background check monitoring to ensure peace of mind for you and your family
100% confidential
Your child care needs are only shared with those you choose. We keep everything confidential, no more auto-responses emails filling up your inbox!
Hand vetted by Our safety team
All Sidekicks are pre-interviewed by the GetSidekicks team and assigned a pass/fail proprietary score
Kendall M.
“Using GetSidekicks makes it easier for me to build my village, I can find the care my kids need in hours, not months."
Jodi S.
"GetSidekicks gives me options, I can choose from an existing network of verified Sidekicks without having to do any of the networking."
Katy L.
"Using GetSidekicks has been life-changing"
Our approach to vetting and verifying Sidekicks
All Sidekicks have passed:
Identity verification
Military verification
30 minute interview
PLUS checks against
National Criminal Database
State and County Database
Federal Watch Lists
National Sex Offender Registry
National Most Wanted Lists

"My squad of Sidekicks was my saving grace while he was deployed."
From booking a Sidekick so she could pack up for their PCS or bringing a Sidekick with her on a family trip for an extra set of hands, Jessica was able to build her squad of Sidekicks so support her when she needed it most. GetSidekicks is redefining military child care.